03 February 2014

Departure :(

Study Visit "Discover Youth Work in South Estonia" has been absolutely amazing. It has been an awesome time to chill, work, have fun, cooperate, see friends, and just enjoy the winter in January. But it was time to say goodbye to each other.
Last moments together
Early in the morning around 7 am we had breakfast and than everyone jump into the bus that took us to Tartu. We left this place that was our home for the last 8 days and it wasn't easy to say goodbye. But for sure we will remember the great time we had together. Never the last - all of us were very thankful for the pleasant days in Vidrike…
And that is it - amazing project is over.
We say goodbye and we all look forward to see each others on some other projects or even making reunion somewhere one day....

 Ines, Toni, Alfredo & Tomasz

Day 8

During the morning participants had to work on further development of their international youth projects for Erasmus + programme. There were six groups with different topics for projects : Music, Environment protection, E-learning, Human rights, Sport and Social media.

Each of the group has made effort to develop their ideas and put them in the framework of the E-plus programme. In the evening all the project ideas were more or less developed enough for presentation and they were presented on a plenary, so all participants could give feedback and suggestions. As a result of the last day and the whole project we have 6 projects for E+ program which will be applied for funding in the first deadline of 2014. 
Alketa & Ratko